How to Conquer your Mental… a Primer

Mental health is a subject that is seldom spoken about, may that be at home, in the classroom, or even with friends, it is a subject that is frequently shied away from. Often, at times, it feels like our internal struggles are things that we have to deal with on our own and we don’t want to burden others with the struggles we go through. I know for myself, I never wanted to disclose what I went through, and the older I got the more this feeling seemed to grow, that is, until I found someone who I trusted with my burdens. However, not everyone is lucky enough to find someone they can have a meaningful conversation with, in which you can discuss all of the turmoil that shrouds your life. That is why it is important to figure out a way to release whatever negativity there is in your head, there needs to be some form of catharsis. So here are a couple of the ways I think you can go about taking care of your mental.

Talk it Out

The first way, is to talk it out. May that be with a friend, a family member, or a life partner, it is important that you can get the thoughts that are plaguing your mind out and into the open. Humans are social creatures, and need this form of deep interaction with each other. You’d be surprised by the wells of empathy and sympathy people have just waiting to be provoked. We all are living this life, and we all are going through trying circumstances, there is a wealth of understanding out there, and you just have to extend an olive branch to the countless people in your corner, and they will help you with those burdens, relieve your stress, and put your mind at ease. If you are one of those people where you say you have absolutely no one, then you are still wrong because you have yourself. Simply talk to yourself objectively, as if you were a third person. I have tried this from time to time, and when I do this, I often realize that either my problem is trivial or there are practical solutions to resolve the way that I am feeling. Even giving yourself some empathic encouraging words can be a useful tool to healing whatever scarring you are going through. Remember, you are a collection of your thoughts, and your actions. So treat yourself with the same kindness and love you would another person feeling what you are feeling.

What Makes You Happy?

Next, I think its critical to find what makes you happy. Take time to think about what brings you joy. What is an activity or item or even a practice that you know for sure elevates your mood. For me, it is basketball. No matter what is going on in life, shooting a basketball by myself has often been the cure for whatever anxiety, or stress, or negative feeling I have. So for you, you have to find what can bring you happiness in any trying moment. It can be a comfort show, it can be an activity like biking, it can even be a hobby or better yet a person. Whatever it is you have to find it. Letting out your emotions through a physical outlet is a very real thing. The complexities of life and the way it can make you feel, will sculpt you into a creative in mastering different techniques of coping, but first you have to allow yourself to find things that can help ease your mind.

Money Can Buy Happiness… Sorta

Treat yourself. Often at times, we come up with a wealth of reasons why we don’t need or deserve something, and the truth is there is absolutely nothing in this world that you need aside from food, shelter, and water. Treat yourself here and there, buy yourself a gift after achieving a great accomplishment, go out and purchase experiences, go and get that article of clothing you’ve wanted for the past couple of months. The key thing here, is that you need to allow yourself to enjoy life. Spending money and saving money are two things that don’t have to be at odds, as long as you’re deliberate and smart when it comes to both. Recently, I’ve purchased a Mercedes AMG A35. While it was definitely a purchase I did not need, it was one that does a lot for my mental health. Every time I sit in it, a smile gleams from ear to ear, and every time I leave it I do a double take. Simply spending money on your self, on things that make you happy can do a lot in easing how you feel on the day to day.


As I said before, you are a collection of your thoughts and your actions. That is why it is critical that you turn yourself into a person with positive thoughts. Mindset is literally everything. Good things happen to good people, and positive things happen to positive people. Almost everything we go through is all about perception. When you see that glass, is it half full or is it half empty. When you don’t get that job you really wanted, what is it that you are thinking. Are you self deprecating, or are you eager for the next opportunity to show why you deserve every role you apply for. Often in the heat of a failure or embarrassment, it is hard to see how something can be positive, but any and every situation known to man has a positive view or spin, because from every situation, there is always something to learn or to be gained. Train your mind to be a positive one, by actively telling yourself what you can do, or what you can learn from a situation rather than telling yourself that you cant or that you wont feel better. You have power and control of your thoughts, so influence them in a positive way.

The Takeaway

If there is one thing you should take away from this article it is that you cannot allow for yourself to keep your negative thoughts in your head, you must learn to transmute that energy into something else, may that be a hobby, a conversation, or even a material item. Take care of yourself. You owe it to yourself to make sure you are a faithful steward of your own ship. Speak to yourself in a positive way, express yourself to those that you trust, and build hobbies that can act as catharsis for yourself. I implore you to do these things and you will be well on your way to taking the first steps to conquering your mental. Thank you for the read, find your excellence!