New Year, Better Me

2021 Recap, Ebbs and Flows of the Year

2021 without a doubt was a tumultuous year. Nevertheless, it was still a year in which a lot of learning and growth was achieved. In 2021 I landed a great job, bought myself a car, launched this blog, delved deeper into real estate, saved the most I’ve saved in my life, started reading books again for the first time in a long time, and grew more in my relationship with my beautiful girlfriend. Many blessings came my way in 2021, however the year wasn’t perfect. One way I deteriorated was in my physical health. Starting Jan 1st 2021 I weighed in at 185 pounds and by Dec 1st 2021 I weighed in at a whopping 242 pounds. Within the year I managed to put on more than 55 pounds. Not only that but for most of the year, I wandered around aimless in regards to mindset and goal setting. In summation the year definitely had its peaks and troughs. So as the dawn of this new year rears its head, I am eager to set new goals to keep on progressing to becoming my best self.

Goals, Goals, Goals, Set Them

As I stated before, last year, I did not have the proper mindset, nor did I set any goals. For this year, that changes. For 2022 I plan to make SMART goals. SMART is an acronym which stands for specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and time measured. This is a type of goal setting that I learned in business school, and it is a way many successful companies go about laying out their goals and strategic expectations. A lot of us are taking life one day at a time, and while that is okay, it is important that you must have some sort of direction and or progression. For example, think about weightlifting, if you do the same exercise for 10 years, with the same amount of reps and sets, without any form of progressive overload, you will never achieve what you want may that be hypertrophy or gains in strength even if you were an emblem consistency. The human body needs a new stimulus to grow and I think that is something that a lot of us forget. Stop being comfortable. Go out and try new things and force yourself to LEARN and GROW in ways you didn’t know were possible.

Putting Money Where my Mouth is…

In line with this sentiment, I want to put my goals into the world under the smart framework that I detailed above. This year I will make $5,000 dollars or more with a side hustle, this year I will join the 1,000lb club, and this year I will read at a minimum two books a month.

Monkey See, Monkey Do… Copy Me

So now I challenge you to take a look at yourself and to give yourself some goals that fall under this framework and to hold yourself to it. 2022 will be your year as well as mine. Good Luck, thank you for the read and find your excellence!